Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M Karunanidhi, who underwent a minimal invasive surgery for back pain on February 11, was shifted on Fridayfrom the ICU to a special room in Sri Ramachandra Medical......
Eighty-four year-old Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M Karunanidhi "successfully" underwent a minimal invasive surgery for back pain on Wednesday and all his parameters are "absolutely normal." "The......
Words and actions like those of R N Ravi and a vocal section of the state BJP have only added to Tamil fears and suspicions, points out N Sathiya Moorthy. IMAGE: Tamil Nadu Governor Ravindra......
Stalin, like his father M Karunanidhi did in 2004, may play the king-maker in a way -- not the king, unless the 2024 post-poll circumstances throws up a situation where he alone becomes acceptable......
For the AIADMK, winning the Srirangam by-election without Jayalalithaa campaigning for it, and having Panneerselvam as chief minister, is saying a lot in its favour. But again, a year and more is a......
A great story-teller, Mani Ratnam is experimenting with a real-life historical in Ponniyin Selvan, points out N Sathiya Moorthy. IMAGE: Vikram as Aditya Karikalan in Ponniyin Selvan. Now that Mani......