Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal, who was served summons by a United States court last month in a case of alleged custodial torture and extra judicial killings of Sikhs, has sought......
Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal, who is on a visit to the United States, has been served the summons issued by a US court in a human rights violation case for alleged torture of Sikhs in......
The United States Court of Appeals for the eastern district of Wisconsin dismissed a human rights violation case against Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal last week. New York-based rights......
A prominent Indian American neurosurgeon, Dr Arvind Ahuja, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, has been convicted for hiding $8 million (about Rs 44.8 crore) in secret offshore accounts in India, and is......
A Seattle man has been sentenced to over three years in prison and ordered to pay damages for brutally assaulting a Sikh taxi driver last year in a racially-motivated hate crime during which he......