Mahindra Reva Electric Vehicles, a part of the Mahindra Group, on Tuesday slashed the price of its electric car e2o by up to Rs 1.7 lakh by introducing a scheme under which a consumer pays a rental......
Say hello to the Mahindra Reva e2o. Looks like a concept car, doesn't it? Well, that's because the e2o started life as the Reva NXR concept and was designed by DC Design, which explains the......
It was expected that Mahindra to launch the all-new Reva at the 2012 New Delhi Auto Show but the automaker only took the wraps off the new model. Sources told us that the Reva was ready to hit the......
Every day, Kapil Diwan travels 80 km to work. The 29-year-old stockbroker plans to switch to a comfortable car to escape Mumbai's distressing train rides. With fuel prices so high, Diwan prefers an......
The Mahindra group on Monday launched its first electric car 'e2o' priced at Rs 596,000 (on road Delhi, after state subsidy), almost three years after it acquired Bangalore-based electric car maker......