Ford India launched the latest edition of its sports utility vehicle Endeavour priced between Rs 19.84 lakh and Rs 23.06 lakh (ex-showroom Delhi). The 2014 Endeavour will be available in three......
Ford on Wednesday launched the new petrol and diesel variant of its entry-level sedan -- Ikon -- in India, priced at Rs 4,59,000 and Rs 5,19,000 (ex-showroom), Delhi, respectively."The new Ford......
With the arrival of Maruti Suzuki Celerio diesel, competition is hotting up in the segment. The first diesel car from Maruti Suzuki, Celerio diesel is pitted against Hyundai Grand i10, Ford Figo......
Ford India on Tuesday launched Fusion Plus, a new variant in the Ford Fusion range, priced at Rs 616,500 and Rs 683,500 (ex-showroom, Delhi). The company claims that Fusion Plus offers consumers......
Ford India is expected to increase the price of its newly launched premium sedan Ford Fiesta in about a month by Rs 20,000-Rs 30,000.The company has launched four variants of Ford Fiesta in Mumbai......