Reliance Industries Limited on Thursday becamethe newest member of the Dubai Mercantile Exchange.RIL is understood to be the first major Indian enterprise to participate directly in a global oil......
Laxity in enforcing KYC and allied norms suspected; money laundering gaps also on probe panel’s mindThe role of global exchanges floated by the Financial Technologies group has also come......
The Dubai Gold and Commodities Exchange (DGCX) started trading an Indian stock index futures contract on Wednesday, aiming to tap demand from the large expatriate Indian population residing in the......
The turmoil in financial markets seems to be affecting the global expansion plans of Financial Technologies, promoter of top domestic commodity bourse MCX, and trading at its overseas exchange......
The basket of crude oil that Indian refiners buy hit a new high of $96 per barrel on Wednesday, the latest day for which data are available. The basket, which comprises Oman-Dubai sour (high......