India's tennis ace Leander Paes, now undergoing treatment at Orlando, USA, for a brain cyst, isstable and cheerful, his father Dr Vece Paes informed in Kolkata on Thursday."He is now stable. The......
The Indian hockey team is leaving no stone unturned to break the Champions Trophy jinx. The teamis trying to prepare in all aspects of the game before launching their campaign in......
Former India hockey Olympian Dr Vece Paes described his son Leander's triumph alongside David Rikl over Mahesh Bhupathi and Max Mirnyi at the French Open as a "very vital win" and thanked tennis......
Tributes poured in for India’s former hockey captain Mohammed Shahid who passed into the ages at a Gurgaon hospital following multiple organ failure on Wednesday. Shahid, who died aged 56,......
IMAGE: Leander Paes with his father Dr Vece Paes and daughter Aiyana at the press conference in Mumbai on Friday, September 29, 2023, to announce his nomination as the first Asian man into the......