The Maharashtra government on Wednesday agreed to shift jailed poet-activist Varavara Rao, an accused in the Elgar Parishad-Maoist links case, to the Nanavati Hospital here after the Bombay high......
The prosecution on Wednesday demanded capital punishment for eight persons of the 12 convicted in the 2006 Mumbai serial train blasts, while it sought life imprisonment for the remaining four even......
The 50-odd residents at the Alameda Center for Rehabilitation and Long Term Care, in Perth Amboy, New Jersey, go to bed every night at 8 pm. October 29, the day Superstorm Sandy hit, they were......
Bharatiya Janata Party's prime ministerial candidate L K Advani, who chose to stay away from the all-party meeting called by Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh flayed the Centre for not finding an......