The Delhi high court on Wednesday dismissed a petition by Neelam Azad, an accused arrested in the December 13 Parliament security breach case, seeking her release on the grounds that her police......
As the operation to flush out terrorists in Mumbai got over, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Saturday held a meeting with the chiefs of defence services and intelligence agencies to discuss the......
he Andhra Pradesh government on Tuesday appointed Shayam Sunder Prasad Yadav as the new Director-General of Police. He succeeds the incumbent DGP M A Basith, who is retiring on Wednesday. Chief......
Why makes rapists do what they do? Abhishek Mande speaks to psychologists to try and profile themIllustrations by Dominic XavierThe brutal gang rape of a young student of the National Law College......
Many Indians see the terror attacks on Mumbai as a catalyst for change. If not a bigger change, they feel it will at least change the way India will handle terrorism. But do they really believe......