Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Monday visited the Air India Memorial in Toronto to pay respects to the 329 victims of the 1985 Kanishka bombing and assured their families that the "entire Indian......
Canadian Citizenship and Immigration Minister Jason Kenney convened a roundtable discussion in Toronto with members of Air India victims' families on June 18, a day after Justice John Major......
Justice John Major, head of the Public Commission of Inquiry into the 1985 Air India bombing, on Tuesday released the first volume of his report. The 211-page report is a narrative based on the......
One of the two girls who were arrested for posting comments questioning the shutdown in the city over Shiv Sena Chief Bal Thackeray's funeral on Tuesday said she will never again visit the social......
'The soul of India resides in pluralism and tolerance. This plurality of our society has come through assimilation of ideas over centuries.''Secularism and inclusion are a matter of faith for us.......