Over 2,000 people, including survivors and a mass of long-time supporters from 10 countries, participated in a massive rally and burnt effigies of Union Carbide and Dow Chemical. Shouting slogans......
The entire Bhopal saga was witnessed from close quarters byRajkumar Keswani, an outstanding journalist who had in fact foreseen this catastrophe. His work proves that the tragedy of Bhopal started......
We may be free but the taks before us remain undone. Gopal Krishna offers a checklistIn the 63rd year of British parliament's Indian Independence Act dated July 18, 1947, 'to make provision for the......
Dow and Bhopal together illustrate vividly how the authority of nation-states and their government is being usurped by the corporations of all hues giving birth to a perverse trans-nationalism,......
Dow Chemical Company is once bitten, twice shy. Close on the heels of its US parent's move to deny liability for damages resulting from the Bhopal gas tragedy at a plant run by Union Carbide (a......
The Maharashtra government fears that the agitation against Dow Chemical's proposed Research and Development centre was orchestrated by its aggressive neighbour to influence Dow to take its......
The international chemical giant Dow will invest $100 million in Research and Development (R&D) facility at Chakan, near Pune. The centre may be fully functional by 2010. The R&D facility would......
Dow India, a subsidiary of US multinational Dow Chemical Company, has temporarily halted work at its proposed global research and developmentcentre at Chakan near Pune following instructions from......
A proposed research and development facility of Dow India at a village near Pune has raised environmental concerns among social groups who have launched an agitation to press scrapping of the......