The much-delayed Kannada film Ondu Kshanadalli (In a Moment) is releasing this Friday, October 5, across Karnataka. The film is directed by Dinesh Baboo and produced jointly by Jaijagadish and......
Srikanth Srinivasa says Ondu Kshanadalli has some lacklustre performances and poor scripting.Kannada film Ondu Kshanadalli is an example of how a story with the potential to be interesting, is......
Shruti Indira Lakshminarayana reviews Matondu Maduvena!. Post YOUR reviews here!We learn best from our mistakes rather than from those of others. That's what director Dinesh Baboo wants to tell you......
Much has been written about late Vishnuvardhan's 200th film Aaptha RakshakaI, directed by P Vasu. But few knowabouthis 199th Kannada film, School Master, whichwas completed much before hisdeath.......
At a time when remakes are flooding the Kannada film industry, two films aim to be different. The two original films coming our way this Friday are Mooru Guttu Ondhu Sullu Ondhu Nija and......