Rewind to five years ago, when the Sensex hit its historic high. As the market booms again, what's been learnt? And what lies in store? Mihir S Sharma analyses...It was a simpler, happier time......
Some chief executive officers are known for their outstanding skills, the ability to turn around the fortunes of the companies they run. But there are others who have tarnished the image of the CEO......
Donning the role of a commander ill-equipped to save the Titanic of banking world, Citigroup's India-born chief Vikram Pandit has found a place among the 20 worst ever CEOs in the American history,......
Dick Fuld,former chief executive, widely criticised for pushing Lehman Brothers intobankruptcy,plans to launch an advisory firm. The 62-year-old Fuld, who run Lehman for nearly 15 years, is......
Goldman Sachs on Wednesay began celebrating confirmation of bumper bonuses for this year, with the chairman and chief executive, Lloyd Blankfein, expected to lead the pack with a 30 per cent......