At 76, Deven Varma looks very fit and active sitting in his quaint bungalow in the posh Kalyani Nagar neighbourhood in Pune. For an 11 am interview, he is set and ready by 10:15. Varma has......
A look at the top tweets from your favourite Bollywood celebrities: Several celebrities paid tribute to the late Deven Verma, who passed away on December 2, on Twitter. Here's what they said:......
Deven Verma passed away into the ages on December 2. We re-publish an interview done with the veteran actor on July 23, 2013. At 76, Deven Varma looks very fit and active sitting in his......
Double roles are like two sides of the same coin. Pit them against each other and the result is nothing short of fascinating. Be it as identical twins caught in extreme situations or lookalikes......
Rohit Shetty's Angoor, starring Ranveer Singh and Varun Sharma, has been renamed Cirkus for copyright reasons. Subhash K Jha reports that Gulzar is apparently not too happy about his Angoor going......