On Women's Day in 2016, Shah Rukh Khan had tweeted, 'Often I wish I was a woman... then realise I don't have enough guts, talent, sense of sacrifice, selfless love or beauty to be one.' These are......
The mortal remains of Satish Kaushik, who succumbed to a fatal heart attack early on March 9, returned to the city where he earned fame and fortune later on Thursday. Friends and colleagues paid......
Actress and talk show host Tabassum passed into the ages on Friday, November 18. At a prayer meet on Monday, film folk paid homage to the lady who personified effervescence in every episode of her......
'The Three Musketeers have lost the most talented, generous and loving Musketeer.' Photograph: Kind courtesy Salman Khan/Instagram Satish Kaushik passed into the ageson March 9, leaving behind......