Delhi Police officials reached Jaipur on Sunday trying to arrest Rohit Joshi, Rajasthan minister Mahesh Joshi's son who is accused of rape and has now been asked to appear before them by May 18.......
The Delhi Police has said that it had appealed to students before entering the Jamia Millia Islamia campus on Sunday to not indulge in stone pelting. IMAGE: Policemen stand guard near Jamia Millia......
Security has been stepped up with the deployment of extra personnel and strengthening of barricades near farmers' protest sites at Delhi's borders, leading to traffic congestions on many key roads......
The Allahabad high court on Friday stayed till January 6 the arrest of Alt News co-founder Mohammed Zubair in relation to an FIR accusing him of promoting enmity among religious groups. IMAGE: Alt......
Four officers of Special Cell involved in Batla House encounter were among 30 personnel of Delhi Police who have been awarded police medals on the occasion of Independence Day for meritorious......