A Delhi court on Wednesday gave bail to Rashtriya Janata Dal leader Lalu Prasad Yadav, his wife and former Bihar chief minister Rabri Devi and their daughter Misa Bharti in connection with a......
'From his persistent fuelling of pan-Hindu nationalism to pandering to narrow Gujarati chauvinism, Rambo rides again, using fair means and foul -- and often foul -- to gain the battleground,' says......
Rahul Gandhi's decision to stay absent from the opening week of Parliament's Budget session has left Congress leaders dumbstruck. 'He is anything but astute or charismatic. He believes the Congress......
Deep Discount Bonds are variously known as Zero Coupon Bonds or Money Multiplier Bonds, depending upon the issuing company. However, the structure remains the same, notwithstanding the name.The......
In what could throw awry financial plans of lakhs of investors, the Gujarat government-backed Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam Ltd said it would prepay high cost bonds to save about Rs 6,100 crore (Rs......
Thirteen lakh investors, Rs 8,000 crore(Rs 80 billion) . . .tomorrow will be a big day for US-64 bond holders. These tax-free bonds were issued in 2003 to bail out Unit Trust of India's flagship......
Buckling under pressure from market regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India, Bombay Stock Exchange and the investors, the Gujarat government-backed Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam Ltd on......
Zero-coupon bonds don’t give out interest but are issued at a deep discount to the face value, making it difficult to ascertain the net present value. Illustration: Uttam Ghosh/Rediff.com......