A local court on Tuesday remanded Raghuraj Puri, father of Shivraj Puri who is the alleged mastermind behind the Rs 400-crore (Rs 4-billion) Citibank fraud, in police custody for two days.Another......
A Chartered Accountant firm hired to help crack the Rs 460 crore (Rs 4.6 billion) fraud at a Citibank branch will submit its report soon, says Gurgaon police. Soon after the arrest of the alleged......
The government said on Friday that Reserve Bank of India has conducted a special inquiry into Rs 460-crore (Rs 4.6 billion) Citibank fraud case and was in the process of completing its final......
A man alleged to be the mastermind of the Rs 400-crore (Rs 4-billion) Citibank scam has now a new case of fraud registered against him on the basis of accusations by a businessman. An FIR has been......
Citibank faces a significant liability from the Rs 300-400-crore (Rs 3-4 billion) loss incurred by high net-worth customers.The loss followed a massive fraud allegedly committed by Shivaraj Puri, a......