Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan said he did not enter into "any contract" with Doordarshan to endorse its channel DD Kisan, contrary to reports. Bachchan, 72, said his campaign for the new......
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday chaired a meeting to discuss the preparations for launching Doordarshan's 'Kisan TV' on May 26, to coincide with the first anniversary celebrations of the......
Making a strong pitch for growth of farmers, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday said the country cannot move forward without their progress and called for increase in crop productivity by 50......
Mini screen actor Arun Govil, known for his role as Lord Rama in teleserial ‘Ramayan’, is all set to join the Bharatiya Janata Party. Earlier, Gajendra Chauhan famed as Yudhishtir in......
A prime minister's responsibility is not limited to his personal integrity but extends to uprooting corruption from the entire system, Bharatiya Janata Party president Amit Shah said on Wednesday......
Frequent changes in top management and allegations of delayed payment for programmes produced from outside agencies, have contributed in giving a not-so-positive image to the channel. Prime......
Battling strident opposition on the land bill, government on Thursday held interaction with farmers' representatives from various states to address their ‘misgivings’ on various issues......
The government on Thursday announced a new 24-hour TV channel dedicated to agriculture sector with an outlay of Rs 100 crore for providing real-time information to farmers. Union Finance......
The question that is being asked is: Does the GST campaign gain from his all-too-familiar face taking forward its message or will brand fatigue flatten the impact? The superstar has been appointed......
While the government has claimed significant increase in funds for farm credit, facts show a different story, explains Manoj K. Image: Narendra Modi being presented a "Plough" as symbol of......
The Delhi high court on Wednesday allowed Nimbus to undertake marketing of the India-West Indies cricket series telecast on Doordarshan, while ordering the public broadcaster not to sell the feed......