The Bombay high court on Tuesday dismissed a 2014 suit challenging the position and appointment of Mufaddal Saifuddin as the leader of the Dawoodi Bohra Community. IMAGE: Syedna......
Dr Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin, head of the Mumbai-based Dawoodi Bohra sect of Islam, will be conferred ‘Nishan-e-Pakistan', making him the fourth Indian to be honoured with Pakistan's highest......
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday left for India after concluding his first-ever visit to Egypt where he held talks with President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and was conferred with the Arab......
Imparting new momentum, India and Egypt on Sunday elevated their relationship to a ‘strategic partnership' after Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi held......
When the Muslim Personal Law Board promises 'advisories' and nikahnamas to the Supreme Court, one has to remember not only its recent campaign against any change in Muslim personal law, but also......