The Gujarat high court on Tuesday held that the special CBI court is competent to take cognisance of the chargesheet filed by the investigating agency in the fake encounter case of Tulsi Prajapati.......
The Central Bureau of Investigation on Saturday filed a chargesheet in a special court here in the 2006 Tulsi Prajapati fake encounter case in which former minister of state for home and Gujarat......
Geetha Johri and three other police officers who figure as accused in the 2006 Tulsi Prajapati fake encounter case on Friday moved the Gujarat high court, challenging the Danta court's jurisdiction......
A Public Interest Litigation has been filed in the Supreme Court against Bharatiya Janata Party Members of Parliament Prakash Javdekar and Bhupendra Singh Yadav alleging that they tried to impede......
In a breather to Bharatiya Janata Party General Secretary Amit Shah, the Supreme Court on Monday restrained the Central Bureau of Investigation from conducting a separate trial against him in the......