Taking a look at Malayalam film Spanish Masala that hits theatres on January 20. Director Lal Jose has teamed up with old pal Dileep and Kunchacko Boban in his new Malayalam film Spanish Masala.......
In Lal Jose's forthcoming film, Spanish Masala, Dileep's heroine is a beauty from Austria named Daniela Zacherl. She plays Camilla, the daughter of a Spanish diplomat who has worked in India, and......
Lal Jose is among the finest filmmakers in Malayalam. His latest offering, Spanish Masala, which released last Friday, has Dileep, Kunchacko Boban and Austrian beauty Daniela Zacherl in the lead.......
Paresh C Palichafeels Spanish Masala ismore like a promotional video for Spanish Tourism than a film.With the world turning into a global village, no cuisine has remained indigenous. There is......
Director Lal Jose narrates the escapades of a mimicry artiste who illegally migrates to Spain, in his latest Malayalam film titled Spanish Masala. Dileep plays the hero, with Kunchacko Boban and......