The Bharatiya Janata Party-led government in Goa on Friday disallowed use of its premises for the scheduled release of a book on Mahatma Gandhi’s assassin Nathuram Godse on occasion of the......
Newly formed Goa Forward party has opposed the release of a book on Mahatma Gandhi’s killer Nathuram Godse scheduled for Saturday on the death anniversary of the Father of the Nation. The......
Many of the Congress stalwarts including four from Churchill Alemao family and state party chief Subhas Shirodkar bit the dust as the Bharatiya Janata Party-Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party alliance......
A day before being tabled in Goa legislative assembly, the Manohar Parrikar-led Public Accounts Committee report on illegal mining in the state has run into controversy after Congress party......
The Goa home ministry has said that Malgonda Patil, prime accused in the Margao blast, was also a managing trustee of two more Hindu organisations besides his association with the right wing outfit......
In a bid to dissuade youths from visiting off shore casinos, Goa government on Friday effected a sharp increase in their entry fees besides substantially raising the license processing fee for......
Anti-Special Economic Zone agitationin panaji on Friday got celebrity support with noted singer Hema Sardesai joining the day-long hunger-strike by Goa's Movement Against SEZ.Goa's Movement Against......
Chatterjee said the compNY is not aware of any major client concerns at this point. IT firm Mindtree on Friday said its new management has been engaging actively with customers and employees after......