Faced with a cash crunch, Crest Animation Studios plans to slash nearly two-thirds of its workforce. The company’s loss in the financial year 2013 was Rs 13.82 crore (Rs 138.2 million). It......
Alpha and Omega, a full-length 3D stereoscopic film produced in India by Crest Animation, has collected $9.2 million in the US in its opening weekend. It was released in 2,625 screens in the US on......
Crest Animation Studio announced on Thursday that its US-based subsidiary, Rich Crest Animation, has entered into an agreement with the Canada-based Lions Gate Entertainment for joint production......
Crest Communication Ltd will now be known as Crest Animation Studios Ltd. The decision to adopt a new identity reflects the change in focus of the company. The company has seen a strategic shift......
Ambitious animation artists in India are ready to swell out of their little studio cubicles. Hired helps for others' big-budget animation projects for long, they're now ready to team up with......
Most major critics slammed it for its bland visuals and a dull, predictable plot, calling Alpha and Omegaa run in 2010's animated litter. But the film, whose key animation was done at Crest......