Reebok India's sacked MD and former COO Vishnu Bhagat were on Wednesday arrested along with three others for their alleged involvement in Rs 870-crore (Rs 8.7 billion) fraud in the company.Singh,......
Global sportswear major Adidas on Monday admitted to "commercial irregularities" at the Indian unit of Reebok, its most popular and the leading sportswear brand in the country. The admission......
German sportswear giant Adidas on Thursday said its balance sheet for 2011 is negatively impacted by 153 million euro (over Rs 1,090 crore) due to 'commercial irregularities' at its arm Reebok......
Embarking on a fresh start after last year's alleged Rs 870 crore fraud in its Indian arm, sportswear major Reebok is undertaking a new retail concept and marketing campaign to chart out a new......
Even as a Gurgaon police investigation into the alleged fraud in Reebok India point to a loss to the company of Rs 11.3 crore (Rs 113 million), the sportswear maker reiterated its earlier claim......