In May 2014, when N D Modi took charge as prime minister, a gas cylinder cost Rs 410, Congress MP Rahul Gandhi pointed out last September. On Friday, July 8, 2022, a 14.2 kg gas cylinder......
Dominic Xavier offers his take on Congress MP Rahul Gandhi's speech in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday, February 2, where he accused the Narendra Damodardas Modi government of creating two......
The Union labour ministry on Monday, September 14, told Parliament that the government has no data on the deaths of the migrants, so no compensation will be provided. More than 10 million migrants......
On Wednesday, August 5, just as Prime Minister Narendra Damodardas Modi performed the bhoomi puja for the Ram temple in Ayodhya, Congress MP Rahul Gandhi declared that Lord Ram is the ultimate......
On Monday, July 20, night, at around 10.30 pm, Ghaziabad journalist Vikram Joshi was returning home with his two daughters on a motorcycle when he was accosted by half a dozen armed men. Four days......