The Bharatiya Janata Party on Thursday alleged that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had been "economical with the truth" in his statement in Parliament on the coal block allocation issue as his......
Accusing the Uttar Pradesh government of not taking the flood situation seriously, Union Minister of State for Coal Sri Prakash Jaiswal on Tuesday said the state had not sent any report to the......
Demanding a probe into fresh reports in the allocation of 142 coal blocks by United Progressive Alliance government, the Bharatiya Janata Party on Tuesday said it is "truly amazing" that relatives......
Five Congress ministers lose. Only Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi win. Sharat Pradhan reports. The landslide victory for the Narendra Modi led-Bharatiya Janata Party in as many as 73 of Uttar......
Leading the counter-offensive on the coal block allocation issue, Congress President Sonia Gandhi is expected to rally the party behind Prime Minister Manmohan Singh by making a strong attack on......
Dismissing allegations of corruption against Prime Minister Manmohan Singh levelled by Team Anna, Coal Minister Sri Prakash Jaiswal on Sunday said all decisions on allocation of coal blocks were......
The coal shortage in India is likely to touch 15 per cent to 81 million tonnes (mt) by the end of the current Plan period ending March 2012, according to the government's latest estimate. This......