The Bombay High Court on Thursday asked the Maharashtra government to submit in sealed cover the report of Pradhan Committee which probed government's response to 26/11 terror attacks in Mumbai.......
Newly-elected Maharashtra Chief Minister Ashok Chavan on Friday met Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to seek central assistance for strengthening the state police in the aftermath of terror attacks in......
Heavy rains lashed Mumbai for the second day on Sunday resulting in clogging of roads, disruption of rail and air traffic even as one more person died, taking the death toll this rainy season to......
Mumbaikars will have some relief from the growing traffic snarls and crowded local trains. In two years, they will be able to take the waterway, forking out Rs 70 for a 45-minute journey between......
Maharashtra Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh touted Maharashtra as India's best foreign investment destination before a 200-odd people consisting mainly of prospective American investors at the......