In fresh trouble for Samsung Electronics, Chairman Lee Kun-hee, who is facing an arrest warrant, India's Supreme Court has directed him to appear before a Ghaziabad court in a $1.4-million cheating......
When Samsung Electronics chairman Lee Kun-hee strode into a celebration last week to mark his quarter century in charge, his only son Jay Y. Lee followed two steps behind in a sign of respect for......
Shaikh Allauddin Pakir Maiddin is giving sleepless nights to the top brass of South Korean consumer electronics maker Samsung and its chairman, Lee Kun-hee, the richest man in that country. But,......
Samsung Electronics Co Ltd chairman Lee Kun-hee fended off a lawsuit by estranged family members demanding he hand over billions of dollars of shares in Samsung companies as a South Korean court......
The company will meet DGCA next week and is putting in place a strategy to contain the damage Samsung, which is meeting the civil aviation regulator next week following the explosion of one of its......