Aditya Birla Retail on Thursday said its sales, even in Pune, have not been impacted by the spreading disease swine flu. "We have seen good footfalls in the last 3-4 days even in Pune. Foodstuffs......
With confidence creeping back into the market place and rentals down up to 50 per cent, large retailers are back to drawing up aggressive growth plans. In the next one year, Aditya Birla Retail,......
Rapidly rising food prices is forcing food and grocery retailers to take a hit of up to 50 per cent on their margins in pulses and groceries. Retail consultants said food and grocery retailers may......
Three years after its experimentation with cash-and-carry retail fizzled out, Reliance Industries Ltd plans a strong comeback.At its annual general meeting today, Chairman Mukesh Ambani said......
Foreign direct investments or not, homegrown retailers are convinced that their business will go on as usual, confident that global players will find it tough to catch up with them.Some of the......