Maharashtra on Tuesday recorded 1,881 new coronavirus cases, 81 per cent more than the previous day and the highest since February 18, and also reported one case of B.A.5 variant, the state health......
India's reproduction value, which reflects how rapidly the coronavirus pandemic is spreading, has remained below 1 since September, suggesting that the infection rate is declining, according to a......
Rising to the occasion, Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) Mayor Kishori Pednekar has decided has returned to her old calling -- nursing -- to contribute in the fight against COVID-19. ......
A doctor at a state-run hospital in Mumbai, accused of abetting suicide of a junior colleague by tormenting her with castiest slurs, was arrested Tuesday, police said. IMAGE: Activists stage a......
In another twist in the Sheena Bora murder case, bone samples of her charred body collected in 2012 were found by forensic experts to be not matching those obtained from the remains which were......