With Bharatiya Janata Party’s chief ministerial candidate Kiran Bedi suffering a shocking defeat in the Delhi polls, her husband Brij Bedi feels that one of the reasons for her loss was BJP......
Using a sledgehammer to fix some ills can cut down a game at its peak, warns Shekhar Gupta. As I left home reluctantly for the airport, I may have, in a nutty moment not unusual for sport-lovers,......
The Holi song has lent resplendent colour to Hindi films for more than five decades now. In the late 1950s era ofearly colour films, the festival provided filmmakers a welcome chance to sprinkle......
Sneh Prakash Bansal and his panel, as expected, cruised to a landslide victory over former India skipper Bishan Singh Bedi and his team in the Delhi & Districts Cricket Association polls on......