Director Krish Jagarlamudi, who has films like Kanche and Vedam to his credit, got married to fiance Ramya Velaga in Hyderabad on August 7. Ramya, who is a doctor, got engaged to......
The big fat wedding reception of actor-turned-politician Chiranjeevi's daughter Sreeja was held at the Park Hyatt hotel in Hyderabad on March 31. It was indeed a grand affair as celebrities......
Radhika Rajamani reviews Shakti. Post YOUR reviews here!Shakti is touted to be one of the most expensive films in Telugu.The lavishness is visible in the special effects, sets, locations and action......
It is very difficult to describe this Telugu movie. Perhaps the best word would be aimless. Director Srinivas talks about a Nagaram (city) in which the mafia rules the roost. Hired assassins go......