The Planning Commission may find those earning more than Rs 32 a day ineligible to qualify as poor but for Mumbai's tiny but affluent Parsi community a "poor Parsi" is one who makes up to Rs 90,000......
From dating apps to events, the shrinking community is innovating ways to encourage the young to marry within the faith, reports Ranjita Ganesan. IMAGE: The Zoroastrian population has seen a......
‘Be responsible, don’t use a condom tonight’ goes an advertising campaign that is an insult to the intelligence of a community that is by no means ignorant or illiterate, says......
Who is a poor Indian? One who earns below Rs 35 a day? Or one whose salary is in four figures? While the debate rages, the Bombay Parsi Punchayet, the organisation that governs the affairs of the......