The Mumbai police on Thursday morning arrested film director K C Bokadia.He wasreleased on bail of Rs 20,000in the evening, police sources said.Bokadia had issuedthree cheques worth Rs 7,55,000......
In fiscal 2003-04, 87 per cent of the total stocks traded on the bourses emerged gainers while only 13 per cent stocks have ended the year at values lower than at the beginning of the year. Out of......
markfaber:ramesh, i am sure whether i should ask this. . . when u started invested when u came back from US, how much money u started with????thanksRamesh S Damani:hello everyone thanks for......
'I don't know of any happy moment in my life which has helped me to grow, whereas pain has always been a means to evolve.' IMAGE: Rekha in Khoon Bhari Mang. Rekha remains an enigma even today. Her......
'The CM wants to develop a Film City that would provide the entire value chain of film-making services and infrastructure in one place.' Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath meets with......
Bappi Lahiri, who enthralled Hindi cinema lovers with his remarkable music in the 1980s and 1990s, was cremated at Mumbai's Pawan Hans crematorium in the presence of family, friends and fans on......
Bollywood has had its say on politics quite a few times, by making films in the genre. Many of them have been led by the industry's biggest stars. And every once in a while, has come a political......
'I lived in a chawl for 33 years, aur potty ke liye line lagaya, holding a dabba (I would queue up to go to the loo, with a bucket in my hand).''Even after I became a hero, I......