The Pune police claimed on Saturday that all the seven organisations, to which some of the left-wing activists arrested recently for alleged Maoist links belonged, were fronts of the banned......
A day after arresting five Left-wing activists for alleged Maoist links, the Pune Police said on Wednesday it had “evidence” which suggested that there was a plan to target the......
The apex court questioning the police about the arrests said that ‘dissent is the safety valve of democracy and if you don’t allow these safety valves, it will burst.’ IMAGE:......
The pro-quota bandh called by some Maratha groups on Thursday was marked by sporadic violence and arson, disruption of road traffic and rallies in various parts of Maharashtra. IMAGE: Maratha......
Maharashtra Chief Minister Sushilkumar Shinde on Monday allocated portfolios to his 15 ministerial colleagues, who were sworn in along with him on Saturday, with senior Nationalist Congress Party......