Kerala High Court today stayed for a week the order of a lower court directing Bitti Mohanty, accused in the 2006 German tourist rape case in Rajasthan, to undergo DNA test. The interim order in......
In a controversial move, rape convict Bitti Mohanty has been sent to Jaipur by Kerala police, despite the Kerala high court staying his transfer till December 10. Mohanty was arrested from Kannur......
The Kerala high court on Friday upheld a lower court order allowing police to conduct a DNA test on Alwar rape convict Bitti Mohanty, who jumped parole and was arrested after five years from Kannur......
The State Bank of Travancore has suspended 'Raghav Rajan', the probationary officer working with them and said to be Bitti Mohanty, convicted in the 2006 German woman rape case and now in police......
Was it a love affair with a fellow woman bank officer that blossomed during training ultimately lead to the arrest of German woman rape case convict Bitti Mohanty seven years after he jumped......