Bollywood stars attended fashion designer Shaahid Amir's new collection launch at Fizaa store, in Juhu, a western suburb of Mumbai, on October 29. Ameesha Patel looked refreshing in white. Click......
At a recently held awards show in Worli, South Mumbai, that felicitated people working in the pet services industry, organisers asked various star attendees to bring their dogs along with......
'As tempers flared, worried for his safety, I requested Duggu to sit in his car by the gate.''He did.''Later, I asked him how he could have remained so calm in the circumstances.''He told me......
The Bachchan family celebrated the birthday of its youngest member. Abhishek-Aishwarya's daughter Aaradhya, who turned five on November 16, had a birthday party over the weekend at the......
The Bachchans' Diwali party held at their bungalow Jalsa in the posh Juhu suburb of Mumbai on October 23 was an elaborate affair, and saw almost everyone in the film industry in attendance. Click......