Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav on Saturday said the 26 girl inmates of a children's home who were alleged to have gone missing were safe, and directed officials that action should be......
The local administration on Saturday demolished the houses of two men accused of raping and brutalising a 12-year-old girl in the temple town of Maihar in Madhya Pradesh's Satna district, an......
Orders prohibiting gathering of people were clamped down in Mhow tehsil of Indore district on Thursday after a 25-year-old tribal man died in police firing during a protest over the death of a......
An eleven-year-old boy, who went missing nine days ago in Bhopal, was found abandoned in a forest adjacent to Ghari area on Sunday, police said. “A teacher, Mohansingh Evna was passing on......
A man accused of urinating on a tribal youth in Madhya Pradesh's Sidhi district was arrested on Wednesday and amid outrage over the incident and targeting of the BP from across the political......
E-commerce major Amazon India on Monday said it is currently investigating an issue, wherein its platform was allegedly used to source marijuana. On Saturday, an online marijuana sale racket was......