Bharti Airtel said on Friday it is not averse to picking up a stake in Kuwait-based telecom company Zain Telecom if opportunity comes. "At the moment there is nothing. But if an opportunity about......
In October 2002, when Bharti boss Sunil Mittal hired Manoj Kohli from Escotel, the mobile telephony venture of Escorts Ltd, where he had spent five years, the news did not go down well with Rajan......
Bharti Airtel will spend up to $800 million (about Rs 3,565 crore) this fiscal on setting up infrastructure network for its new acquisition Zain Africa. "Last year Zain spent $800 million as capex......
Bharti Airtel, India's leading private telecom service provider, is keen to acquire a player similar in size to South African giant MTN in the emerging markets to become a global brand, said Akhil......
Bharti Airtel, India's leading private telecom service provider, is keen to acquire a player similar in size to South African giant MTN in the emerging markets to become a global brand, said Akhil......