In a significant development, the special court in Indore on Friday allowed the Central Bureau of Investigation to subject Bharatiya Janata Party MLA, Dhruv Narayan Singh, to a polygraph test in......
The premises of Bharatiya Janata Party MLA Dhruv Narayan Singh were searched on Sunday by the Central Bureau of Investigation in connection with the murder of RTI activist Shehla Masood. The CBI......
The Central Bureau of Investigation on Sunday said that the weapon used in the murder of RTI Activist Shehla Masood has been recovered at the instance of Saqib Ali who is accused of hiring contract......
The murder of RTI activist Shehla Masood appears to be a "crime of passion" and whether it was part of any larger conspiracy is still a matter of investigation, Central Bureau of Investigation......
Bharatiya Janata Party member of Parliament Dhruv Narayan Singh is among the 18 persons who will be quizzed in connection with the murder of Right to Information activist Shehla Masood, police......