The Delhi high court on Tuesday dismissed a plea by climate activist Disha Ravi, who is facing prosecution for her alleged involvement in sharing a toolkit backing the farmers' protest in 2021,......
Congress leaders expressed their solidarity with 21-year-old climate activist from Bengaluru Disha Ravi, who was arrested by Delhi Police for allegedly editing and disseminating the "toolkit" on......
Climate activist Disha Ravi, who was arrested in connection with allegedly being involved in sharing a "toolkit" on social media related to the farmers' protest and released on bail later, wondered......
A Delhi court on Friday sent climate activist Disha Ravi, arrested for allegedly being involved in sharing a "toolkit" on social media related to the farmers' protest, to three-day judicial......
A court in Delhi on Tuesday directed the Delhi Police to hand over to 21-year-old climate activist Disha Ravi a copy of the FIR and other documents related to her arrest in connection with......