In a major anti-insurgency operation ahead of the Lok Sabha polls, security personnel gunned down 10 Naxalites, including a woman, in an encounter in Chhattisgarh's Bijapur district on Tuesday,......
Six Naxalites, including "deputy commander" Punem Nagesh, his wife, and another female cadre, were killed in an encounter with security personnel in Chhattisgarh's Bijapur district on Wednesday, a......
A Central Reserve Police Force officer was killed and a jawan injured in an exchange of fire with Naxals in Chhattisgarh's left-wing extremism affected Bijapur district on Saturday, officials said.......
A CoBRA commando abducted by Naxals after the Bijapur ambush in Chhattisgarh on April 3 was released on Thursday with a video showing armed Maoists untying him in the presence of hundreds of......
Director-General of Central Reserve Police Force Kuldiep Singh, who is in Chhattisgarh to monitor the situation following the Naxal attack, on Sunday said that there was absolutely no intelligence......