Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel on Tuesday said the accused in cases of rape, molestation and other crimes against women and girls will be barred from government jobs in the state.......
Bharatiya Janata Party candidate Dinesh Kashyap on Friday defeated his nearest rival Lakhma Kawasi of the Congress by over 85,000 votes to win the bypoll to the Naxal-hit Bastar Lok Sabha......
The Maoist attack near Dantewada in Chhattisgarh is the fifth major strike by Naxals in the country this year. Following is the chronology of recent major Naxal attacks. June 29, 2008: Maoists......
Hitting back at Digvijay Singh for his 'buck stops with the chief minister' remark following the massacre of security forces in Dantewada, Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Raman Singh on Monday......
Following is the chronology of major Maoist attacks in the country in the last five years: October 8, 2009: 17 policemen killed in an ambush by Maoists at Laheri police station in Gadchiroli......