The Maharashtra government on Friday asked Pakistan to receive the bodies of the nine Lashkar-e-Tayiba terrorists killed during the 26/11 Mumbai attacks, lying in the J J Hospital morgue for over a......
A Special Executive Officer (SEO) informed the trial court on Thursday,that in an identification parade conducted by him earlier this year, 28 witnesses had identified the bodies of terrorists......
The Mumbai police on Monday suggested that the bodies of the nine terrorists killed during the 26/11 attacks may be handed over to Pakistan. The Crime Branch wrote a letter to the Ministry of Home......
The Mumbai police are yet to furnish to Interpol details about the nine terrorists killed during the 26/11 terror strikes for issuance of a "Black Notice" which can help get more information about......
The Mumbai police has reportedly not furnished to Interpol any details yet about the nine terrorists killed during the 26/11 attack for issuance of a "Black Notice", which can help get more......