A mysterious illness has taken 16 lives in a small village Rajouri, confounding authorities, which remain clueless about the cause of the deaths even two months after the first casualty. Kindly......
Morarji Desai, India's first non Congress prime minister, was born on February 29, 1896. Mr Desai was 81 when he was elected prime minister and ruled India for two years, from March 1977 to July......
There may be those who could want to go slow, citing the large pendency of follow-up action and court cases that they would have to process and/or proceed with, before raiding more politicians,......
Given the politics behind it all, one possibility is for binding the governor to act according to the decisions of the state government and clarifying his position vis a vis bills and resolutions......
Gianiji had crafted his moves with the meticulous planning of a chess grandmaster.He did not know whether a checkmate was feasible, as his time was running out, but he wanted Rajiv Gandhi to smell......