Indian writer Anuradha Roy on Saturday won the prestigious $50,000 (Rs 33.89 lakh) DSC Prize for South Asian Literature for her novel Sleeping on Jupiter at the Galle Literary Festival in Sri......
Mridula Koshy's If It is Sweet, a collection of short stories, has bagged the 2009 Shakti Bhatt First Book Prize. The New Delhi-based author will get Rs 1 lakh and a citation which will be......
The Shakti Bhatt Foundation announces the 2009 Shakti Bhatt First Book Prize shortlist: If It is Sweet, Mridula Koshy (Westland-Tranquebar) Arzee the Dwarf, Chandrahas Choudhury (HarperCollins)......
As Venezuelans continue to flee the starvation, crime and the horrific inflation that continues to mark the worst crisis it has ever faced, Radha Roy Biswas looks back at a devastated country she......
IMAGE: Iran fans show their support. Photograph: Quinn Rooney/Getty Images The stability and pragmatism of Carlos Queiroz's seven-year reign has firmly established Iran's as Asia's number one......
Readers' responses toThe naked and the dead - Part 2: It was a very good article but I fail to understand why you missed bad umpiring I am sure the bad decisions played a very crucial role in the......