The Obama administration's point man for South Asia, Assistant Secretary of State for South Asian Affairs Robert O Blake, Jr, has said that in preparation for President Barack Obama's visit to......
President Barack Obama's administration has categorically denied that it had pushed India to engage with Pakistan at Sharm-el-Sheikh in Egypt, or that Washington had anything to do with the......
A group of senior US officials will travel to India next week to attend the US-India 2+2 intersessional meeting and maritime security dialogue, according to the state department. The delegation......
Observing that China has been anxiously watching the rise of the relationship between United States and India, a former top US diplomat believes New Delhi doesn't want to be caught in this Sino-US......
If there is another Mumbai-like attack; US should not constrain India. India and Pakistan should simply deal with it bilaterally, without US pressure, says South Asia expert Professor C Christine......
US President Barack Obama's meeting with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in Washington on Friday is expected to re-energise the India-US relationship, a top former American diplomat has said, but......
Pakistan says it will go with the Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline despite skepticism over the project from the United States. "Pakistan is determined to implement IPI gas pipeline project and......
Painting a bright future for Indo-US trade relations, US Assistant Secretary of State for South Asian Affairs Christina Rocca said, in the 21 century, New Delhi and Washington will work to enhance......