Trawlers flying tattered national flags have led the authorities to investigate the credentials of crew members who go fishing from the Tinimuhani ghat in Odisha's Kendrapara district."Fishing......
Big-ticket investments taking off is crucial for Kerala given the years it lost to labour militancy courtesy the same political forces currently in power, explains Shyam G Menon. IMAGE: Women......
Around 100 whales have been washed ashore in Tuticorin in Tamil Nadu, since Monday night. Carcasses of 30 baleen whales were found washed ashore near the Tiruchendur beach in this district......
The Indian Coast Guard and Gujarat Fisheries department officials on Sunday received the 57 Indian fishing boats at the International Maritime Boundary Line that were released by Pakistan from its......
Twenty two Indian fishermen were on Sunday arrested and their trawlers seized by Sri Lankan naval personnel for allegedly violating the island nation's international maritime boundary. The......