The Chennai Police on Saturday said the killing of Tamil Nadu Bahujan Samaj Party chief K Armstrong by a group of assailants was not political in nature and that all angles were being probed.......
A Dalit boy, whose marriage to a higher caste girl triggered anti-Dalit violence in three villages of Dharmapuri district in November last, was found dead along a railway track in that town on......
Staying awake and staying dry were among the major challenges faced by the crowd at BJP leader L K Advani's rally in Madurai, discovered A Ganesh Nadar Intermittent rains and locals who didn't......
At least 50 women in Tamil Nadu were in for a pleasant surprise last week when the cops called them and said, "You have complained of theft of your jewellery. We have recovered it, please come......
At least 50 women in Tamil Nadu were in for a pleasant surprise last week when the cops called them and said, "You have complained of theft of your jewellery. We have recovered it, please come......
With the Election Commission tightening its crackdown on political parties distributing cash to gain votes, the Tamil Nadu police have recovered Rs. 36 crore (Rs. 360 million) of unaccounted cash......