The Infosys saga shows how efforts to remote-control a company by its powerful promoter, even with good intentions, might hurt the entity, says Asish K Bhattacharyya. The resignation of Vishal......
Asish K Bhattacharyyathinks minority shareholder interest can be protected by tightening the regulations and ensuring that its strictly followed. He believes that the proposed new Companies Act......
The airline's board is not ideal, because it lacks diversity and the so-called independent directors are not perceived to be independent, says Asish K Bhattacharyya. Inter Globe Aviation (IGA),......
'It is important that employees are trained to acquire skills that would be needed in future, when the company sees disruption coming -- that is, much before the disruption occurs or the company......
Those who take corruption as a fact of life cannot fight corruption, says Asish K Bhattacharyya Recently I had an opportunity to attend a workshop, which was discussing the unethical practices in......